Issue Information Vol 4 Issue I (Issue Information)
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles An investigation into students' perceptions of global competence and their level of being informed about global issues: The Turkey sample of PISA 2018
Mustafa İlhan, Melehat Gezer & Melek Gülşah Şahin pp. 1 - 16 | DOI: Abstract This study aimed at detecting students’ perceptions of global competence and their level of being informed about global issues and investigating the predictive power of students' level of being informed about global issues to their global competence perceptions. Research participants consisted of PISA 2018 Turkey sample. In PISA 2018, while students’ perceptions of global competence were measured by the items under the heading of “How easy do you think it would be for you to perform the following tasks on your own?”, their levels of being informed about global issues were determined by the items under the heading of “How informed are you about the following topics?”. Research results revealed that students’ perceptions of global competence were at the intermediate level while their levels of being informed about global issues were around the threshold value the separates intermediate and advanced level. The effects of gender and grade level on students’ perceptions of global competence and their status of being informed about global issues were found to be statistically significant; however, the calculated eta squared values showed that the aforementioned effects were negligible in practice. We established that 28% of the variance in students’ perceptions of global competence was explained by their level of being informed about global issues, which signifies that practices informing students about global issues significantly support their global competence perceptions. Keywords: Global competence, Global issues, PISA 2018, Turkey sample of PISA | |
Original Articles An extended review on the relationship between the social studies teachers’ inclusive education awareness and social justice perceptions
Ünal Şimşek & Bahadır Kılcan pp. 17 - 30 | DOI: Abstract This research aimed to review the relationship between the awareness of social studies teachers on inclusive education and their perceptions of social justice. This research designed with a relational survey model was carried out using quantitative research methods to collect data specific to both concepts and to reveal the relationship between them. The study group of the research consists of 148 social studies teachers assigned to public schools in the central district of Aksaray province and Mamak district of Ankara province as of the 2021-2022 academic year. “Awareness Scale for Inclusive Education” and “Social Justice Scales in Schools” were used as the data collection tools for this research. The questionnaires were applied via Google Forms due to the pandemic. As a result of the research executed within the framework of various variables, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between social studies teachers’ awareness of inclusive education and their perceptions of social justice. The reasons concerning the variables pointing to a significant difference as per the findings obtained in the current research may be revealed by collecting in-depth data through qualitative research designs. In addition, the relationship between social studies teachers' perceptions of inclusive education and social justice can be examined based on different variables. Keywords: Social studies teachers, Inclusive education, Awareness, Social justice, Perception | |
Original Articles Online teaching practice experience: An evaluation from the perspectives of newly graduated preschool teachers
Zeynep Kurtulmuş, K. Büşra Kaynak Ekici & H. Kübra Özkan Kunduracı pp. 31 - 50 | DOI: Abstract Courses in teaching practice, crucial in the teaching profession, were taught through distance learning when face-to-face education was suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This case study analyzed newly graduated preschool teachers’ thoughts on teaching practice courses through distance education due to Covid-19. Thus, the study group comprised 24 preschool teachers who had taken the teaching practice course online and had just graduated from university. The research data were collected with the “Distance Education Interview Form,” which contained open-ended questions and was developed by the researchers. The data were put to content analysis. The findings obtained in this study showed that the participants considered distance-learning applications rather negatively despite their several positive aspects, that they had challenges in many respects in the teaching practice course that they had been taught online during the pandemic, that they had various problems, and that the course had made limited contributions to their academic development. Keywords: Pandemic, distance education, online teaching practice. | |
Original Articles Exploring middle school students’ spatial skills self-efficacy
Alaattin Arıkan & Turhan Çetin pp. 51 - 76 | DOI: Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore middle school students’ spatial skills self-efficacy in relation to some variables. The sample consisted of 582 fifth-, sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students in the spring term of the 2021-2022 academic year. The data was collected using the Spatial Skills Self-Efficacy Scale developed by the researchers. The study found that the middle school students had a moderate level of spatial skills self-efficacy on the overall scale and the intrinsic dynamic and extrinsic static subscales, while their level was high, although close to moderate, on the intrinsic static and extrinsic dynamic subscales. Additionally, middle school students’ spatial skills self-efficacy differed significantly according to gender, receiving preschool education, grade levels, the amount of time spent out of home, the frequency of going out of town, and the type of game that they most often playing. However, grade levels did not consistently lead to a significant increase in middle students’ spatial skills self-efficacy. Accordingly, it is proposed to provide intensive technology-supported training that goes beyond classical methods and practices, and to provide continuous spatial skills training throughout the entire learning cycle of students, starting from preschool education. This study is significant because it examined different dimensions of spatial skills in the same sample group and it explored, for the first time, the affective dimension of middle school students’ spatial skills using a valid and reliable scale. Keywords: Spatial skills, spatial skill self-efficacy, secondary school, intrinsic-extrinsic, static-dynamic. | |
Original Articles Trends of global education studies in social studies education: 2000-2023
Ayşegül Pehlivan Yılmaz pp. 77 - 91 | DOI: Abstract In this study, the aim is to examine the trends of studies in global education regarding social studies education. The descriptive survey method, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. Within the scope of the research, a systematic literature review was conducted using the keywords ‘social studies’ and ‘global education’ in the Web of Science (WoS) database. In the data collection process of the research, academic studies in the Web of Science (WoS) indexes were accessed. 2,182 academic studies in the category of ‘Education/Educational Research’ between 2000-2023 were included. As a result of the research, it was found that studies in global education regarding social studies have been researched since 2000, the studies have increased regularly since 2005, the most common type of publication in global education regarding social studies is articles, the journals in which these articles are published are mostly open access, and English is one of the languages with the highest frequency of publication. Keywords: Social studies education, global education, bibliometric analysis, web of science | |
Original Articles How social expectations affect eighth-grade students' math achievement: An investigation of motivational drivers
Orhan Kaplan & Thomasenia Lott Adams pp. 92 - 112 | DOI: Abstract In this study, we aim to discover unique and relative associations among eighth-grade students’ motivational constructs (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and mathematics self-concept), their expectations, social expectations (student perception of teacher treatment, school teacher expectations, and parent expectations), and mathematics achievement using Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2015 dataset. We analyzed direct and indirect relationships between these constructs using structural equation modeling on the Turkey portion of the dataset (N=6,079; 2,933 female and 3,123 male). We found that intrinsic motivation, mathematics self-concept, student expectation, parent expectations and SES significantly predicted mathematics achievement. Teacher treatment predicted mathematics self-concept and mathematics self-concept predicted student expectation. We also found that student expectation and parent expectations partially mediated the relationship between SES and mathematics achievement and mathematics self-concept fully mediated the relationship between teacher treatment and mathematics achievement. We did not find evidence for the achievement gap between female and male students. However, female students are found to be more extrinsically motivated than male students; female expectations are higher; and their mathematics self-concept is less than that of male students. Based on our findings, interventions targeting associations among these cognitive and non-cognitive elements—specifically the mediation role of student motivation and expectation on the relationship between social expectations and mathematics achievement—can contribute to future research toward creating a more feasible and low-cost educational context toward improving mathematics achievement using a more comprehensive approach. Keywords: Mathematics Achievement, Motivation, Social Expectations, Self-concept, Gender | |
Original Articles How to navigate in society: An investigation into social studies education
Nur Leman Balbağ pp. 113 - 130 | DOI: Abstract This study aims to show the role of social skills in the social studies curriculum, the educational process, the problems encountered in the process, and the solutions proposed by teachers to these problems. The basic qualitative research method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used for the study. In this regard, the general objectives, competencies, skills, and abilities of the 2018 social studies curriculum were examined based on the Akkok classification of social competencies, and then, in light of the findings, focus group interviews were conducted with eight teachers, including fourth-grade teachers and social studies teachers. Content analysis was conducted in the first part of the research data analysis, and descriptive analysis was conducted in the second part. Considering the program's components, it is evident that social skills are not given much attention. When examining the learning content, it was found that only 16% of all grade-level learning content included social skills. Based on interviews with teachers, it was found that student-centred activities and creative drama were used most frequently to teach social skills. In addition, it was found that family and school were responsible for the difficulties in teaching social skills. Teachers proposed solutions to the problems to improve school-family collaboration and move away from a success-oriented education system. Based on the research findings, suggestions were made for practitioners and future researchers. Keywords: Social skills, Social Studies, Social Studies Curriculum, Social skills teaching | |
Original Articles Pre-service teachers' multidimensional leadership orientations: A PLS-SEM modelling
Murat Polat pp. 131 - 149 | DOI: Abstract This research focuses on better understanding the nature of pre-service teachers' four-frame leadership orientations. As it is known, the phenomenon of leadership still continues to be a research topic in the field of educational administration. But, these studies carried out on teachers and school administrators. As future teachers and school administrators, research on the leadership orientations of teacher candidates is less. Therefore, this study wants to investigate the multidimensional leadership orientations of teacher candidates and propose a model. The research is a quantitative relational survey study. Convenient sampling technique was used in the research. Participants n=278 [173 female; 105 male] are teacher candidates. At the end of the research; It revealed that the multi-directional leadership orientations of the teacher candidates were generally at a high level, but there was no significant difference in gender and grade level variables. On the other hand, it can said that the human resource leadership orientations of teacher candidates have a significant and small difference in favor of female teacher candidates (Glass'd=-.15; p<.05). Also, PLS-SEM structural model analysis revealed that pre-service teachers' human resource leadership and political leadership orientations predicted structural leadership tendencies with a significant partial mediation effect in the charismatic leadership dimension. Based on the findings of this study, teacher education and the development of four-frame leadership programs can be considered. As a result, teacher candidates' multifaceted leadership potential can be supported and developed. Keywords: Leadership Potential, Four-frame leadership model, Teacher training, PLS-SEM | |
Original Articles Satisfaction levels of undergraduate students with distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sezai Öztaş pp. 150 - 166 | DOI: Abstract The Council of Higher Education (CoHE) switched to distance education with digital tools in all universities as of March 23, 2020. The relevant decision was put into effect by the universities. Since this date, distance education has been utilized in almost all programs in universities. Covid 19 Pandemic period was finished, and face-to-face education was started in 2021. This research aims to analyze the satisfaction levels of undergraduate students with distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, the research study group designed in the scanning model consists of 1605 students enrolled at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. The research data were obtained with the "Scale on the Satisfaction Levels of University Students with Distance Education," which was developed by Baltacı, Mercan-Annak, Akbay, Akaydın and Sökmensüer (2021) and whose validity and reliability have been proven. The SPSS Statistics 20 program analyzed the data. It was investigated whether the satisfaction levels of undergraduate students with distance education showed a statistically significant difference concerning certain variables during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study determined that undergraduate students were generally satisfied with the distance education they received during the Covid-19 pandemic. A statistically significant difference was found between the satisfaction levels of undergraduate students with distance education applications based on gender, department, self-efficacy perception of computer use skills, and having problems accessing distance education. On the other hand, no statistically significant difference was seen between the satisfaction levels of undergraduate students with distance education applications based on age, grade level, regular Internet access, and distance education status before the epidemic. Keywords: Distance education, Covid-19, satisfaction, university students |