Research article | Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 4(1) 51-76
Alaattin Arıkan & Turhan Çetin
1 | The moderating role of justice in relationship between assault on duty and job satisfaction
Bayram Bozkurt |
2 | Student, teacher and parent opinions on gamification components used in educational information network (EBA)
Niyazi Aksoy & Ertuğrul Usta |
3 | The effect of using games on students’ cooperative learning skills in social studies course
Imen Akbulut & Önder Eryılmaz |
4 | Secondary school students’ metaphoric perceptions of values related to the concept of sustainable consumption
Hüseyin Duygu & Feride Ersoy |
5 | Analyzing 9th grade secondary school history textbook in Türkiye regarding historical ethics
Ismail Hakkı Demircioğlu, Inanç Genç & Selahattin Kaymakcı |