Research article | Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 1(1) 18-38
pp. 18 - 38 | DOI:
Publish Date: December 23, 2020 | Single/Total View: 157/824 | Single/Total Download: 290/2.253
In this study, graduate theses on teachers' burnout are evaluated methodologically. In this context, acedemicians who will study in the field will be supported by revealing the current state related studies which were done on the subject . This study has the quality of the pioneer in terms of giving direction to the new researches that will be done in the field later.
In the research in Turkey ıt has been looked for the answers to the questions on which methodology, design, validity and reliability,sample type, data analyses techniques are used along with distribution according to universities and years in the graduate theses that were published on teachers' burnout between the years 2010 and 2019. In the research, ıt has been determined that there are 160 master theses and 4 doctoral theses which have been published from 2010 to 2019. It has been seen that most of the theses were written in 2009 with 44 theses. Generally, ıt isn't stated any methodology published 109 theses about the subject. Quantiative method is used in the 43 theses of the rest of 55 theses. It is mostly used relational design and descriptive design and preferred simple random sample selection method on teachers' burnout theses. ıt has been seen that correlation data analysis method is mostly used as a data analysis method published theses on the subject.
Keywords: Öğretmen, Tükenmişlik, Lisansüstü, Tez.
APA 7th edition
Bilir, A., & Demirhan, G. (2020). An Analysis of the Graduate Dissertations and Theses on Teachers’ Burnout. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 1(1), 18-38.
Bilir, A. and Demirhan, G. (2020). An Analysis of the Graduate Dissertations and Theses on Teachers’ Burnout. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 1(1), pp. 18-38.
Chicago 16th edition
Bilir, Ayse and Gokhan Demirhan (2020). "An Analysis of the Graduate Dissertations and Theses on Teachers’ Burnout". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 1 (1):18-38.
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