Research article | Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 2(2) 79-114
pp. 79 - 114 | DOI:
Publish Date: September 26, 2021 | Single/Total View: 196/741 | Single/Total Download: 439/1.760
In this study, the aim was to develop an achievement test ensuring valid and reliable measurement of student success related to the topic of measuring perimeter in 4th-grade mathematic lessons. Within the scope of the study, a specification table was prepared according to the acquirements included in the primary school fourth-grade mathematic curriculum and an item pool was created in line with this. After receiving expert opinion, items were included on the test in accordance with difficulty level and the face validity of the test. A duration of 40 minutes was determined to perform the test. In order to determine the measurement power of items for the targeted features and understandability of the test, it was applied to 9 students in the 5th grade who had previously learned the topic with the verbal thinking technique one by one. Necessary corrections were made accordingly. The actual implementation of the test was performed with 164 middle school fifth-grade students. Results obtained from the test were analyzed with the test analysis program (TAP) and jMetric program. From these results, the final 21-item test comprised 18 multiple choice questions, 2 open-ended questions, and 1 short-response question. Reliability analysis of the test found the KR-20 value was 0.81. The response duration for the test was determined as 35 minutes. As a result of analyses of this test prepared about the topic of perimeter measures in primary school 4th grade, it was determined to be a valid and reliable test to determine the success of 4th-grade students.
Keywords: Achievement, Test Validity, Reliability, Perimeter Measurement
APA 7th edition
Oksuz, C., & Genc, G. (2021). Development of A 4th Grade Achievement Test About Perimeter Measures: Validity and Reliability Study. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 2(2), 79-114.
Oksuz, C. and Genc, G. (2021). Development of A 4th Grade Achievement Test About Perimeter Measures: Validity and Reliability Study. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 2(2), pp. 79-114.
Chicago 16th edition
Oksuz, Cumali and Galip Genc (2021). "Development of A 4th Grade Achievement Test About Perimeter Measures: Validity and Reliability Study". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2 (2):79-114.
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