|  ISSN: 2757-6116

Original article | Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 5(2) 130-146

Examination of the distribution of social values among adolescents

Volkan Kutluca, Selahattin Avşaroğlu & Esra Kutluca

pp. 130 - 146   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/jirte.2024.667.3   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2405-17-0005.R2

Published online: September 18, 2024  |   Number of Views: 29  |  Number of Download: 31


The purpose of this study is to examine the distribution of social values among adolescents. Random cluster sampling method was used in the research, and the participants consisted of a total of 690 students, 410 girls and 280 boys, who continued their education in high schools in Kırıkkale province during the 2023-2024 academic year. A descriptive screening model was used in conducting the research. Personal information form and a semi-structured form developed by the researchers were used as data collection tools in the research. In the analysis of the data, frequency (f) and percentage (%) were calculated using the SPSS 27.0 program and statistical methods. Multiple response tables and cross-tabulation tables were used to examine the distribution of values according to demographic variables. As a result of the research, it was determined that the participants considered respect, justice, trust, love, and patriotism values more important than other values respectively. The least important values were found to be contentment, cultural heritage preservation, humility, tolerance, and responsibility respectively.  Female students value empathy, male students value patriotism, and 10th graders value truthfulness and honesty. Adolescents with low perceived socio-economic status value independent and free thinking, those with low perceived academic achievement value cleanliness, and those with high perceived academic achievement value truthfulness and honesty more. According to these findings, it is thought that adolescents may not fully perceive national and spiritual values such as patriotism and cultural heritage preservation. Researchers are recommended to work on the definition and transmission of values to students.

Keywords: High School, Adolescents, Social Value

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APA 6th edition
Kutluca, V., Avsaroglu, S. & Kutluca, E. (2024). Examination of the distribution of social values among adolescents . Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 5(2), 130-146. doi: 10.29329/jirte.2024.667.3

Kutluca, V., Avsaroglu, S. and Kutluca, E. (2024). Examination of the distribution of social values among adolescents . Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 5(2), pp. 130-146.

Chicago 16th edition
Kutluca, Volkan, Selahattin Avsaroglu and Esra Kutluca (2024). "Examination of the distribution of social values among adolescents ". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 5 (2):130-146. doi:10.29329/jirte.2024.667.3.


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