Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 3(3) 339-362

Investigation of the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy in Inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S and teaching 21st century skills

Ayse Sonay Durucu & Mehmet Başaran

pp. 339 - 362   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 09, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 122/632   |   Single/Total Download: 205/1.117


This study examines the relationship between teachers' inquiry-based self-efficacy for STEM+S and 21st-Century skills teaching and whether these two scales change regarding various teacher variables. The study's sample, which is designed with relational design, consists of 407 teachers working in Gaziantep. The study includes teachers working in kindergarten, primary, secondary, and high school public and private schools. 'Personal information form,' 'Inquiry-based teaching self-efficacy scale for STEM+S,' and '21st-Century skills teaching scale' was used. The data obtained from the scales were analyzed using the SPSS program. As a result of the research, it is seen that the relationship between teacher 21st-Century skills teaching and inquiry-based teaching self-efficacy for STEM+S is moderate. The scores of the teachers' self-efficacy and sub-dimensions of inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S showed statistically significant differences according to their 21st-Century skills training. There is a significant difference in asking questions, research, discussion/reflection, and overall scale according to the status of receiving STEM education. A statistically significant difference is detected when the 21st-Century skills and sub-factor scores are analyzed according to 21st-Century skills and STEM education. Inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S has been found to have a statistically predictive effect on 21st-Century skills teaching. It can be said that approximately 46% of the variance explained for 21st-Century skills teaching consists of inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S. When this situation is examined, it is stated that self-efficacy based on inquiry for STEM+S has an essential effect on teachers' self-efficacy in explaining the teaching of 21st-Century skills.

Keywords: STEM, inquiry, self-efficacy, 21st-century skills

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Durucu, A.S., & Basaran, M. (2022). Investigation of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy in Inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S and teaching 21st century skills. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 3(3), 339-362.

Durucu, A. and Basaran, M. (2022). Investigation of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy in Inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S and teaching 21st century skills. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 3(3), pp. 339-362.

Chicago 16th edition
Durucu, Ayse Sonay and Mehmet Basaran (2022). "Investigation of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy in Inquiry-based teaching for STEM+S and teaching 21st century skills". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 3 (3):339-362.


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