Original article | Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2024, Vol. 5(3) 186-201
Sema Yiğit, Sema Bulut & Gulbin Ozkan
pp. 186 - 201 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/jirte.2024.669.3 | Manu. Number: MANU-2405-29-0004.R3
Published online: December 22, 2024 | Number of Views: 6 | Number of Download: 29
This study aims to introduce science lessons and science experiments to 4-8-year-old hearing-impaired students and investigate their views on science experiments and science lessons. In this research, a case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. The research sample consists of 18 hearing-impaired students aged 4-8 studying at an Education Centre for Individuals with Special Needs in Istanbul. The research data was collected qualitatively. Data were collected from all participants voluntarily. A student survey form consisting of open-ended questions prepared by the researcher was used as a data collection tool. This qualitative data collection tool was prepared to examine hearing-impaired students’ views on science experiments and science. The data obtained from this study were analyzed by using content analysis. The findings are presented in tables. Considering the results obtained from the research, it was found that hearing-impaired students liked science lessons and experiments and had fun while doing the science experiments. Pre-experiments were conducted, and it was found that the students had not done science experiments before and did not know much about science experiments. Students stated that their desire to do experiments increased because of the experiments, and they were surprised and happy. In contrast, the experiments were being carried out, and the experiments made them curious. In light of the results, it is suggested that science experiments should be given due importance and carried out actively in lessons by including schools with disabled students. This study suggests that conducting science experiments with hearing-impaired students could fill essential research gaps in both increasing accessibility to scientific education and supporting the participation of these students in various fields.
Keywords: Science experiments, Hearing-impaired, Students’ opinions, Special education
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