Research article | Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 4(3) 358-376
pp. 358 - 376 | DOI:
Publish Date: December 26, 2023 | Single/Total View: 55/256 | Single/Total Download: 109/418
This paper aims to shed some light on the teachers' opinions on the importance of upper-level attainment targets and the realization level of those attainment targets of the social studies curriculum. The research is designed as a survey. The data was gathered through a Likert-type questionnaire. The attainment targets which are accepted as the upper level were determined with the selective criterion drawn from Bloom's taxonomy. 63 primary school teachers and 123 social studies teachers participated in this research. Participating teachers were working in Eskişehir, Türkiye in the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The data were subjected to correlational analysis in the SPSS 26 package program (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Different results were found about the level of realization and importance of the attainment targets depending on the variable that the teachers were addressed. While the realization of the attainment targets was determined as 'medium' level, the importance given by teachers to the attainment targets was determined as 'high'.
Keywords: Social Studies Curriculum, Teacher, Attainment Target, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Achievement
APA 7th edition
Ozyurt, N., & Acun, I. (2023). The realization and importance level of upper-level social studies attainment targets. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 4(3), 358-376.
Ozyurt, N. and Acun, I. (2023). The realization and importance level of upper-level social studies attainment targets. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 4(3), pp. 358-376.
Chicago 16th edition
Ozyurt, Nagihan and Ismail Acun (2023). "The realization and importance level of upper-level social studies attainment targets". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 4 (3):358-376.
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