Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 4(3) 377-392

Opinions of gifted and talented students about their digital game preferences and effects

Simge Karakaş Mısır & Yavuz Yaman

pp. 377 - 392   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 26, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 56/234   |   Single/Total Download: 81/373


Digital games continue to increase in popularity today. Among young people, digital games are important for learning and socialisation. In our study, the opinions of gifted and talented students about their digital game preferences and what they would like to do if they wanted to design a digital game themselves were included. The qualitative research method was used in our study. Our study group consists of 11 students attending the 6th grade at the Science and Art Center. To get the opinions of the students, semi-structured interview questions prepared by the researcher were asked. According to the findings obtained as a result of the analysis of the research, children's interests, playing time, the reason for preference, game tool character selection interactive or individual game preference, participated values/feelings, Friendship-friendship relations, Benefits of educational games were examined, and students were expected to design games. When we look at the rates of the games they prefer in our study with gifted 6th-grade students, we see that they prefer adventure/strategy/creative games with 54%, while they are in second place with 45%. 'Mine Craft' and 'Brawl Stars' games are played. The results showed that gifted students like to play interactive games and socialize in this way. It was also shared that digital games impact foreign language learning. It is seen that games involving skills such as exploring, strategizing, and thinking make students happy. When the games designed by the students are analysed, it is seen that they are inspired by the games they play. They arouse interest on a game basis, but they are also sensitive about being easily accessible and free.

Keywords: Digital games, Digital game preferences, Gifted and talented.

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APA 7th edition
Misir, S.K., & Yaman, Y. (2023). Opinions of gifted and talented students about their digital game preferences and effects. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 4(3), 377-392.

Misir, S. and Yaman, Y. (2023). Opinions of gifted and talented students about their digital game preferences and effects. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 4(3), pp. 377-392.

Chicago 16th edition
Misir, Simge Karakas and Yavuz Yaman (2023). "Opinions of gifted and talented students about their digital game preferences and effects". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 4 (3):377-392.


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