Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 3(3) 267-285

A material development study for teaching colors of light by using Algodoo

Mustafa Çoramık & Handan Ürek

pp. 267 - 285   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 09, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 132/695   |   Single/Total Download: 233/1.213


Recently, technology use has gained considerable importance in both instructional activities conducted in the classroom environment and the distance education process. Accordingly, the need for teaching materials has arisen. It is thought that simulations can meet this need, especially for subjects that might cause physical material supply problems during teaching. Considering this situation, this paper introduces a material development study using the Algodoo simulation program for teaching the subject of colors of light. The material developed in this study is based on three objectives of the tenth-grade physics course-teaching program declared by the Turkish Ministry of National Education. The study details the developmental stages and experimental results of two simulations. Thus, it is expected that teachers and students can use the material introduced in this study easily with the help of the Algodoo program, which can be constructed for tablets and computers quickly and free of charge.

Keywords: Algodoo, colors of light, physics education, simulations

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APA 7th edition
Coramik, M., & Urek, H. (2022). A material development study for teaching colors of light by using Algodoo. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 3(3), 267-285.

Coramik, M. and Urek, H. (2022). A material development study for teaching colors of light by using Algodoo. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 3(3), pp. 267-285.

Chicago 16th edition
Coramik, Mustafa and Handan Urek (2022). "A material development study for teaching colors of light by using Algodoo". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 3 (3):267-285.


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