Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 3(2) 209-225

School culture as the predictor of teacher leadership

Mevlüt Kara

pp. 209 - 225   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 13, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 123/685   |   Single/Total Download: 190/1.256


This study aimed to examine the relationship between school culture and teacher leadership based on the perceptions of teachers working in primary schools. The study was designed with a predictive correlational model. The sample consisted of 625 teachers who were determined through a simple random sampling technique. The data were collected through the School Culture Scale and the Teacher Leadership Scale. In data analysis, mean and standard deviation were used to reveal the participants' level of perception. Additionally, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analyses were performed. As a result, it was revealed that the teachers have relatively higher levels of perception about the task culture, success culture, and support culture while their perceptions of bureaucratic culture are moderate. Moreover, it was concluded that the participants' overall perceptions of teacher leadership are partially high. It was found that there is a moderate positive and significant relationship between teacher leadership and the sub-dimensions of the task, support, and success cultures, and a low level of positive and significant relationship with the sub-dimension of bureaucratic culture. Finally, it was yielded that task culture, support culture, success culture, and bureaucratic culture predict teacher leadership significantly. Therefore, it is suggested to develop informal relationships, create an environment of trust, promote horizontal organizational structures, support teacher autonomy, and appreciate teacher achievement to develop teacher leadership at schools.

Keywords: School culture, Teacher leadership, Primary schools, Teacher.

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APA 7th edition
Kara, M. (2022). School culture as the predictor of teacher leadership. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 3(2), 209-225.

Kara, M. (2022). School culture as the predictor of teacher leadership. Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education, 3(2), pp. 209-225.

Chicago 16th edition
Kara, Mevlut (2022). "School culture as the predictor of teacher leadership". Journal of Innovative Research in Teacher Education 3 (2):209-225.


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